Saturday, August 20, 2011

Random Questions

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have one younger brother.
How old are you? 
I am sixteen, old enough to know better, young enough not to care :)
What's your height? 
I have absolutely no idea, and really don't want to know. I like to say I'm 5"6, however I think I'm slightly above that now.
Do you have any pets? 
....not anymore :((
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 
Welllll the internet definitely fills up a lot of my time. I also like going on walks with my camera, chilling with friends/family, and eating...
Who inspires you? 
I have different inspirations for different parts of my life. I'd rather keep those inspirations private though :)
What do you feel is your greatest achievement? 
Oh good question. Probably something I'll never forget is getting top marks on my "Personal Project" in Year 11. I was one of a few, but it felt amazing after working on it for nearly an entire year.
What do you value most in life? 
My friends & family <3
What is your dream job?   
Doing a bit of everything. Part time photographer, model, actress, and travelling around the world for different jobs.
Do you have any phobias? 
Nothing unusual. I'm PETRIFIED of spiders *shudders* - okay, enough with this question, I'm getting the shivers.
Have you ever had a near death experience? 
None! Never broken or sprained a bone in my body. 
Do you get mad easily? 
I wouldn't say mad, more impatient. I hate waiting for things and that often gets me irritated and fidgety.


Heels or flats?
Where do you buy most of your clothes from?;; H&M (rarely); Next; A&F; Hollister; Esprit; Primark.
Favourite Shop? 
To shop at, probably Primark, because you can always guarantee going in and finding something you love. And the prices are hard to resist. However for online shopping, I LOVE
Favourite makeup brand? 
Maybellineeee <3
Favourite nail polish brand? 
Either Barry M or Revlon.
What was your first makeup item? 
Lipgloss :)
If you had your own makeup line what would you call it? 
What are you into the most, if you HAD to choose one..Jewellery, Makeup, Shoes, Clothes? 
Ohhhh hard one. Probably clothes.
Lipgloss or mascara? 
both? If I HAD to pick, I'd say mascara.
Whats your worst shopping habit? 
Buying things because they're on sale, not because I need them.
How do you take care of your hair? 
I dont :/ Shower, air dry, hair brush, out the door.... However about two months ago I used to straighten my hair everyday, but I've stopped doing that now because its longer, so it falls a lot nicer than you used to.


Would you rather grow a beard or go bald?
Go bald, and wear a wig.
If you could know the date you were going to die, would you want to know? 
I would. I couldn't bare knowing I could drop dead at any minute. I would need to know how long I had left and fill every second with fun.
Which three male celebs would be on your "list"? 
;) Chace Crawford, Tom Felton and Drew Van Acker :) AND Zac Efron, of course.
If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner? 
Lady Gaga's meat dress, YUM.
Do you have a xanga account? 
What is your favourite reality tv show? 
Real Housewives Of New Jersey! Soooo much drama, how do those women live!
What wesbite do you visit the most besides youtube, blogger & Facebook? 
Lookbook and Flickr.
Who is your favourite blogger? 
Zoella, Kayture and DulceCandy. How could I pick one?!
Who is your favourite makeup guru? 
Oh my gosh I have looooaaads.
Do you like photography? 
Whats your favourite desert? 
Oreo Sundae from Dennys :D
Do you like swimming? 
I do :)
What's your favourite movie? 
My favourite movies changes just as often as I change my clothes. My current favourite (well, the most recent one I saw) was The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. A very touching movie :)
Do you eat fries with a fork? 
Sometimes hehe :')
Favourite colour? 
A lilac purple, and a deep midnight blue.

Wow... that took a LONG time.

- Emma xo

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